Hair Loss Treatments

Embrace a Fuller Future: Unlock Your Hair's Potential with Us
Hair Loss Treatments & Hair Regrowth Injections in Preston UK

Hair regrowth

promote hair regrowth & rejuvenate your scalp!

Beautiful, shiny, and thick hair is the dream of many women and men. Unfortunately, sometimes, despite the use of special hair care products and supplements, patients still struggle with the problem of thin, weakened, and thinning hair. The causes of hair loss can be various. Intensified hair loss may be associated with hormonal changes (e.g., after pregnancy), prolonged stress, inadequate diet, excessive hair combing, or frequent dyeing or straightening. Excessive hair loss is also caused by various scalp conditions or systemic diseases, such as thyroid disorders, diabetes, or androgenic alopecia with hormonal and genetic basis.

Regrow your hair with Bpermanent’s cutting-edge solutions to combat hair loss, promote hair regrowth, and rejuvenate your scalp. Our range of innovative treatments is designed to address various causes of hair loss and promote regrowth.

Whether you’re experiencing thinning strands, receding hairlines, or bald patches, our hair regrowth treatments offer effective solutions tailored to your needs. From stimulating hair follicles to improving scalp health and promoting new hair growth, our therapies are backed by science and proven results.

Our Hair Loss Treatments

Read more about our hair loss and regrowth therapies...


Hair Loss treatments are quick and have no downtime. After the treatment, you can resume your usual activities, although you may experience slight redness and minor inflammation for a couple of days at the treated sites.

The number of sessions required for hair growth can vary. It depends on the treatment chosen, but it is also recommended to consult your aesthetic professional to determine the appropriate number of sessions based on individual circumstances.

A hair loss procedure typically lasts between 40 to 60 minutes, but you can verify this on the chosen treatment page at the very top.

No, anaesthesia is not required for Hair regeneration treatments but can be applied topically if needed.

You can find a wide range of Hair Restoration treatments at our clinic based in Preston, Lancashire at 580 Blackpool Rd, PR2 1JA.
Book your FREE consultation or appointment with us using the buttons available across the site or simply by clicking HERE.

All our hair treatments are recommended for individuals aged 20 and above. However, the i-PRF hair regeneration treatment is specifically recommended for individuals aged 25 and above. For complete assurance, please refer to the treatment page at the very top

From Thin to Thick: Transform Your Hair with Our Regrowth Solutions!

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